
Foreign Trade Agent

The services of a foreign trade agent are an important element of foreign economic activity outsourcing. Formally, this capacity is a legal entity that searches for and purchases goods on behalf of and on behalf of the customer.

At the same time, an authorized agent acts on behalf of the customer in all instances that control, register and technically support the transaction.

Low prices

Integrated work

Personal manager

Fast customs clearance

Motorza Trans is a foreign trade agent for imports and a carrier in one person

In the interests of the Client, Motorza Trans specialists carry out:

  • search for suppliers of products by specification, price and geographic location with the preparation of a list of potential sellers
  • calculation of the cost of delivery
  • preparation, negotiation and signing of the contract FEA
  • issuing a transaction passport
  • payment for products to a foreign counterparty
  • preparation of tax reporting for the transaction

The advantages of the widest possible outsourcing of foreign economic activity for the Client are obvious. The customer is completely exempt from searching for suitable offers in the foreign market, negotiating and documenting the transaction, customs clearance and other mandatory procedures.