
Customs brokerage services

A customs broker is a legal entity that represents the interests of a client at customs. Depending on the specifics and volume of required services, the customs broker assumes clearly defined powers, performing customs services stipulated by the previously drawn up contract.

The transport and logistics company Motorza Trans provides a full range of customs brokerage and logistics services:

  • Consultations on conducting foreign economic activity, namely: proofreading and drawing up contracts for the supply of goods, selection of the customs code of goods, determination of the duty rate for goods, preliminary calculation of customs payments and possible types of control in accordance with the customs code; in addition, the company provides recommendations on obtaining relevant permits from regulatory authorities;
  • Services for customs clearance of goods, incl. the very filing of the customs declaration and its execution in the regulatory authorities (sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary and sanitary, phytosanitary, radiological and environmental controls);
  • Cargo delivery services. In an effort to simplify the delivery procedure as much as possible, Motorza Trans offers its customers both ready-made and individual integrated solutions in the field of international transport logistics.

Customs services: export and import

The provision of customs services is carried out for export and import. When exporting, it is mandatory to prepare and execute accompanying documentation with its subsequent submission to the customs authorities.

The full process of customs clearance includes:

  • collection of transaction documents;
  • calculation of the amount of customs duties by the broker and control of its payment by the client in favor of the state;
  • filing a customs declaration;
  • control over compliance with all official norms and rules during customs clearance of cargo (including tariff and non-tariff settlement, collection of documents for other authorities, work with related services).